Codecademy - Python: Tutorial #14

Enroll for coding exercises, projects, tutorials, and courses... ?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=yt-description This is part 14 of the Codecademy Python Walkthrough Tutorial. It covers topics lists and functions, pop method, remove method, list item delete, mutating item in list, append to list, change functions, functions with multiple arguments, string functions with loops, for loops, modifying list elements using loops inside functions, and much more! ======================= ABOUT PYTHON CODECADEMY SERIES ================= This is meant to guide you through the codecademy python part and it also to help you get a much better understanding of the code that you to write according to the instructions on . This will help you understand many prog ... #CleverProgrammer #python #python3 #python2 #list #codecademy #codeacademy #codacademy #append #delete 20160911 1qI0QWBUOTA
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