Android 12 is here and I like it

Visit and use offer code LTT for 10% off Get 15% off the ModMic Wireless and other ModMic products at At their I/O conference this year, the Google team announced Android 12 and along with it, a massive redesign with loads of new personalization settings, privacy features, and performance improvements for your device... and this time you can actually try it on non-Pixel devices! Buy Google Pixel Devices (PAID LINK): Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group. Discuss on the forum: ►GET MERCH: ►SUPPORT US ON FLOATPLANE: ►LTX EXPO: AFFILIATES & REFERRALS --------------------------------------------------- ►Affiliates, Sponsors & Referrals: ►Check out our podcast gear: https://kit.
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