Digby, Lincolnshire.
GV. Mr Orr-Ewing, Parliamentary Under-secretary for Air RAF Food, making a speech before presenting Jolliffe Trophy to Wing Commander Emeny. SCU. Wing Commander Emeny, steps forward to receive Jolliffe Trophy for the RAF station with best food - Digby RAF Station. SV. Wing Commander turns and places trophy on table. GV. RAF Canteen with men eating. SV. Chef writing menu on large blackboard. CU. Menu reading. ’Lamb Cutlets, Grilled Salmon Steak, Cold Roast Sirloin, Fresh Scotch Salmon, Cold Boiled Ham’. LV. Mr Orr-Ewing at counter getting his dinner. SCU. Chef placing food on his plate, Mr Orr-Ewing walks away to his table. SV. RAF men at the service counter. CU. Grilled Salmon. CU. Roast Pork. SV. Chef slicing chicken. CU. Chef placing sliced chicken on airman’s plate. CU. Plates of sweet lying on counter. Hand comes into picture and picks up a plate containing Mandarin Orange Flan and Ice Cream. The chef takes the plate and places a portion of cream on it. SV. Airman walks away with
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2 months ago 00:03:16 1
4 months ago 00:11:05 1
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