Between Lines: An Animated Short Film

“Between Lines” is an animated short film created by an all-women team that speaks to the scarring experience of schoolgirl bullying - and the recovery that follows. The narrative follows a young woman’s journey as she navigates isolation, exclusion and anxiety. Out of trauma, blooms a sense of healing and connection. ------------------------------ LINKS Official Website Made in Association with Hornet Instagram TikTok @wonderfallll ------------------------------ CREDITS A film by Sarah Beth Morgan, in association with Hornet. Our team proudly features over 30 insanely talented women from all over the globe. Director: Sarah Beth Morgan Animation Director: Taylor Yontz Producer: Rebekah Hamilton VO / Sound / Music: Jennifer Pague Art Direction: Sarah Beth Morgan Design: Nuria Boj, Caroline Choi, Sarah Beth Morgan, Sara Ariel Wong
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