YOU WILL BELIEVE by K-MODO (Remix by CG5 ft. DAGames) | [Bendy SFM Music Video]
Ohh boyyy it’s heere
yet another full song animation after like 9 months on my channeel
here you go
Remix/Music Production and Vocals by CG5 ▶
Featuring vocals from DAGames ▶
Original song by K-MODO (Extremely underrated) ▶
“Text/Lyric Animations“ inspired by Andrew Duemig / Censor ▶
First Bendy model shown is made by KaylinYGO
Second Bendy model shown is made by ThePixel
Maps by MinifigJoeSFM
Bendy And The Ink Machine by TheMeatly and Mike Mood
Come on down to the cartoon side,
Take a look around, there’ll be lots to find.
But mind those inky blotche