Tribal militants praised for attacking foreign fighters in northern Pakistan

(27 Mar 2007) SHOTLIST 1. Local militants on vehicle chanting: “God is great“ 2. Wide of house allegedly used by Uzbek militants 3. Local militants coming out of house allegedly used by Uzbek militants 4. Interior of room allegedly used by Uzbek militants 5. Man entering same room showing bullet marks on walls 6. Holes in ground showing tunnel purportedly used by Uzbeks 7. SOUNDBITE: (Pashto) Sher Khan, Local militant: “Now all of us including local Taliban have stood up against the foreign extremists. We say that we would not allow these people in Waziristan even if our own tribesmen are against us we would not allow them.“ 8. Various of armed local militants near sandbags 9. Wide exterior of house allegedly used by Uzbek militants 10. Various of local militant commanders with purported American vehicle that was captured in Afghanistan 11. SOUNDBITE: (Pashto) Name Unknown, Local militant commander: “These are the American vehicles,
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