PART 5: The Finishing Touches--DIY Needle Felted 3D Cat Portrait of Firestar
**PART 5: The Finishing Touches**
This video is intended for you to be able follow along making a shadowbox cat portrait. The supplies you will need are listed below in this description. Please know that it will take 15-20 hours to needle felt this cat. It is not a quick or simple project. However, even if you cannot execute your needle felted Firestar to exactly the same degree, I think you can still enjoy this craft, and still end up with something nice. Best of luck!
--A felting surface
this one is like mine, but there are so many other options felting pad
--Needle Felting (barbed) Needles:
40T yellow and 36T black and *optional* green REVERSE needle ()
** It is important to note that these needles can break, especially the 40 gauge, so you may want a spare needle or two. When shaping areas that ar