The Rock’s Concert - Monday Night Raw

Warden threw a party and he spent some bucks. Didn’t invite Cena cause he totally sucks. Cena started rapping, it all went south. Know your role Jabroni and shut your mouth. Let’s rock. Everybody let’s rock. Cena’s got a menstrual clock, but we’re dancing because Cleveland Rocks. Little Fruity Pebble from Newberry, Mass. Rock’ll take his boot and shove it up his ass. Betcha you’re all happy you’re listening to me, not some goofy Eminem wannabe. Let’s rock. Everybody let’s rock. Ain’t no balls down in Cena’s jock, but we’re dancing because Cleveland Rocks. Little Johnny Cena went to the doc. Rock punched his jaw and the pain wouldn’t stop. The doc said Cena . . . I’m a fan, but stop begging for that rectal exam. Let’s rock. Everybody let’s rock. Cena close up that smock, but we’re dancing because Cleveland Rocks. Rock saw cena making out with Eve. Grabbing on her th
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