The CHEAPEST ($176) Semi-Auto 12 Gauge Shotgun: Is it Bad? [Ep. 1]
In this first part of a two-part review of the cheapest semi-auto shotgun money can buy, James Reeves reviews the $176 Citadel 12 gauge made in Turkey. This gun is also known as the Citadel ATAC, Citadel Warthog, Citadel Boss Hog or Bosshog. The CItadel ATAC is made in Turkey like so many budget shotguns these days, however, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the Citadel is a bad gun. On the other hand, many cheap Turkish shotguns do need an extra degree of scrutiny before purchasing. How does this one do? NOTE: This video is episode one of two. This ep will be a straightforward review while episode two will be the 500 round torture test. Check out this first video and stay tuned for episode 2.
‣ Cheap Shotgun Cards - Spanker Shotgun Cards:
‣ Cheap Shotgun Cards - Funanasun 6 rd. Shotgun Cards (cheaper than Spankers and hold an extra round. Downside: They are not called “Spankers“):
‣ Good Shotgun Cards - Esstac: https://esstac.