Train Cab Ride NL / Westbound Intercity / Deventer - Amersfoort - Amsterdam / ICM IC / June 2023

Hi everyone! It’s video Friday! Welcome on board a brand new ride. This time we take ride from Deventer to Amsterdam. On our way an ATB signal failure and a faulty overhead wire pass the review. Also in the end of the video a small bonus. We’ll be connecting our ICM with another one to be prepared for rush hour. Enjoy! 0:00 Deventer Before we start: this video was recorded on the 27th of June. Not the 23rd. Lost count of days. Haha. Now let’s board the train. Welcome on board the ICM cabin. Looks like a spacious room. But to be honest it’s not. It’s perfect for a small driver like me. But drivers who are a bit bigger don’t have a lot of leg space. And let’s not even start about space to stand up. ;) After departure we head west toward our first stop Apeldoorn. Right after Deventer we pass the IJsselspoorbrug. 5:15 Twello 5:38 Temporary Speed Limit Temporary speed limit is still in place here for the farmers level crossing without warning lights. Those crossing wil
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