High Over Antarctica

Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup“ newsletter (), from newly discovered photos showing no ice loss in Antarctica since 1937 to a carbon tax cover-up, summer being warmer than winter, the green energy transition not working, EVs not working, a tiny flat island that has now storms due to “climate change“, Honolulu trying to ban fossil fuels throughout the U.S., Canadian bankers as climate zealots, a radical “CRE“ theory from Qing-bin Lu that challenges CO2 as the driver of man-made warming, a theory that Hunga-Tonga caused warming, and one that ozone depletion did. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at , our Rumble channel at , our newsletter at and our podcast on Spotify at and on Google at , like us on Facebook at , follow us on Twitter at and Gettr at and Instagram at , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at You can also now buy CDN merchandise at
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