30 Min LEGIT Lats and Tricep Workout with Dumbbells | EPIC Heat - Day 28

The triceps and lat combination within this superset upper body workout is guaranteed for a challenging session! The lat muscle refer to the Latissimus Dorsi muscle which means ‘broadest back’ as it is one of the widest muscles in the body and is the largest in the upper body. The lat muscle is used within many activities particularly swimming, rowing, pull ups, pull downs and resistance training rows. The lat muscle is a large v shaped muscle covering the width of the back that provides stability and protection for the spine. It allows for abduction, extension and internal rotation of the arm along with depression of the scapular. The lats are the base for a strong back to allow for safe training and to prevent overcompensating with other muscles during training therefore reducing risk of injury. Even during a squat, the lats help provide stability for the weight. The lats can be visible from the shoulder to the hips and add to a taper appearance of the back. I
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