AC Generator DC Generator & Electric Motor

AC Generator The major parts of an AC generator are armature coil, field magnet, slip rings, brushes etc. The magnet, which produces magnetic flux in generator, is called field magnet. The direction of flux lines is from North Pole of the field magnet to South Pole. An armature is a coil at which insulated conducting wire is wound over a laminated soft iron core. The slip rings are circular rings; fused to the ends of the coil. They rotate about the same axis as that of the armature. Brush is an arrangement that is always in contact with slip rings. Current flows to the external circuit through this. Armature coil rotates continuously using mechanical energy. Simultaneously armature coil deflects the magnetic flux lines and emf is generated in the coil. This continuous motion of the armature coil helps to keep a constant current in the external circuit. Let’s see the different steps in one complete rotation of the armature coil. When the armature coil starts rotation, the angle between the axi
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