The dreamy “Regentropfen (die an dein Fenster klopfen)“ (Raindrops, knocking on your window)is one of my favourite tangos... This is an early recording by Rudi Schuricke, who is billed on the record as Rudolf Schuricke...
Not really knowing what video to make, I decided to dedicate it to movie star Renate Müller (1906-37), once one of the most popular actresses in Europe... Starting out her movie career in the late 1920’s, she became a star with the introduction of sound... She starred opposite some of the most popular actors such as Luis Trenker, Emil Jannings, Willy Fritsch and especially Adolf Wohlbrück/Anton Walbrook. In 1931 her star status was confirmed when she played “Die Privatsekretärin“ (Private secretary/ Enl version : Sunshine Susie - 1933) and sang “Ich bin ja heut so glücklich/Today I feel so happy“, which was on everybody’s lips during the dark days of the economic depression. In 1933 she starred in “Viktor und Viktoria&q