Even though the roofing and the exterior is not really done I have to make the tiny house livable. Temperature is dropping quickly and having heat, cooking stove and electricity really improves life at Lazy Creek.
In this episode I will install a 12 volt LiFePo4-battery, BMS, inverter, charge-controller and solar panels.
I will also install a used wood stove and a gas cooking stove and do some interior fixes.
Since everything is interior you will also see some drone clips that gives you a first overview of the property.
Lazy Creek is located in southern Sweden with no acce
...ss by road. In January 2021 the forest was dense and just walking through it was difficult.
First step to get my cabin up there was to build a primitive shelter so that I could cook and rest.
Second step was to set up a sawmill and get the tools in order so that I could make the building process more manageable.
Then we built the platforShow more