🌳Oak Tree from 🌰Acorn (50 Days Time-Lapse)

Enjoy this Sprouting Acorn Time-Lapse video. It is about how to grow an Oak tree from an Acorn (seed). Put Acorns in the zipper bag with wet napkin in the refrigerator for a month and a half or longer - as long as is needed to germinate the new oak. This process is known as stratification, which is simply exposing a seed to cold temperatures, just like the natural conditions. Periodically check them out. The napkin should be just barely moist. Too moist, and the acorns may rot. Too dry, and they may not grow. When you see that Acorns started sprouting it´s time to put them in wet soil and just be patient, some seeds take weeks or even months to sprout! Soil cross section used to see the roots development. It took 50 Days to Film. The music is from You can subscribe to Artlist with my referral Link and get 2 extra months for free:
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