Us Car Race (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Bridghampton, United States of America (USA). 100 mile race for old sports cars. American voiceovered newsreel material. LV Old-time cars moving off for race. SV Old-time cars driving round bend after start. SV Pan old-time car with old fashioned bonnet. SV Old-type car Pan. SV Pan another veteran car. SV Crowd watching. LV Start of foreign-make sports cars race. SV Pan two cars racing together. SV Car skidding at bend. SV Pan No 35 nearly hits side of road at bend. CU No 25 races past camera. SV No 25 skids at corner. SV Another r...acing car at speed past camera. SV Pan No 18 round bend. SV Car races past camera. LV No 26 skidding at corner. SV Pan No 35 past camera. SV Pan No 35 skids a at corner. CU Pan No 25 past camera. LV No 25 skids at corner. LV Pan No 18 racing at speed. CU Pan car round bend and past camera. SV Pan another car round bend. SV Another car along straight past camera. SV Pan No 15 racing past. CU Pan No 33 speed. SV No
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