Peyton List’s 10 Minute Beauty Routine for a Sun-Protected Shimmery Look | Allure

Cobra Kai’s Peyton List shares her 10-minute beauty routine for a Califiornia sun-ready look —featuring a few products from her makeup line Pley Beauty. She emphasizes the importance of SPF in products and applying light foundation in order to let her skin breath as well as to not to agitate her acne scars. Peyton also shares a few tips she’s learned from pro MUA’s on set and spills the beans on her favorite sun-safe setting spray. Still haven’t subscribed to Allure on YouTube? ►► Sign up for our monthly Allure Beauty Box ►► ABOUT ALLURE The best daily makeup tips, skin-care advice, hair tutorials, product reviews, and videos from beauty experts. Peyton List’s 10 Minute Beauty Routine for a Sun-Protected Shimmery Look | Allure
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