052 Grooving plane - Planes for planemaking / Woodworking

Today i decided to start new series of videos. I call it “Planes for planemaking“. I’m gonna build some moving fillisters with dovetailed boxing (the same as in 0:21-0:45) so it’s time to prepare another tools that i need for this project. Some of you probably think “hey, you can do it with any router..“ and you have right, but if i want to build it only with my hand tools i can’t use it. My router is the best in catching dust. In this project i’m gonna build grooving plane wich will help me to cut a female part of the joint. For the body i used spalted beech, for boxing boxwood (if you dont know what it is go to description of 046 video), NCV1 steel for the iron. The finish was preety simple - one coat of boiled linseed oil and two coats of antique oil. Oh, for gluening i use hide glue. Very often you ask me about my stamps. The smaller one was made by grawernia dot pl and is hardened so i can use it on metals. Two bigger stamps were made by Mirock’s Toolwo
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