Tiger II Königstiger “213“ - La Gleize - Walkaround.

This Tiger with Fahrgestell number 280273, was made in the Wegmann & Co, Kassel, Nordhessen, Germany in 1944. 213 was used as a command tank by SS-Obersturmfuhrer Wilhelm Dollinger, during the final battles around La Gleize, on December 16. 213 and another Tiger 221 and a PzKw IV were defending the Werimont Farm high ground on the outskirts of La Gleize. This Tiger 2 ran out of ammo and fuel and was abandoned, the museum claims that Dollinger in his 213 and SS-Untersturm-fuhrer Georg Hantusch in his 221 opened up on around 15 US tanks coming from Roanne but scored no hit. The American tanks fired back and blew off the front third of Dollingers tank’s gun, but other sources say the gun was sabotaged, by the crew. And if you look closely at the gun, you can see it’s still stuck in a recoil position so it was definitely sabotaged. The gun was probably damaged by either artillery or by American testing of anti tank weapons. After the war the Americans wer
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