Breaking my LEG with a Kanabō *A SAMURAIS DEADLIEST WEAPON*

In this episode of Bro Labs, I attempt to break my leg with a Kanabō which is one of the deadliest weapons used by the Samurai. For this experiment we used a Kanabō made by the extremely talented DiesIniEveryFilm Customs and it was very effective. Subscribe to DiesInEveryFilm Customs - @DiesInEveryFilm BUY MY MERCH - SUPPORT ME ON PATREON - WARNING: do not try this at home. These challenges are done with medically trained personnel on standby and after serious research is done on the devices used along with the potential injuries which may result. I’ve consulted with my medical professional on the proper way to test these devices while minimizing long term harm. The satirical nature presented in the video is for entertainment purposes only and does not endorse the behavior displayed. Done improperly, these actions can lead to serious injury. MY INSTAGRAM - https://ti
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