“Salt Lake City“ Us Cruiser Sunk AKA Us Cruiser “Salt Lake City“ Being Sunk (1948)

Pacific Ocean LS Aerial view of 3 ships of the naval task force of 25 vessels, assembled in the Pacific to sink the US Cruiser “Salt Lake City“, still radioactive from the Bikini atom tests.(2 shots). MS A ship in the American task force steaming ahead. MS View from deck of task ship at sea, showing US naval observers on board. LS The cruiser hit by a broadside from naval guns. LS Aerial view of Boeing B-29 Super fortresses of the American (US) Air Force, flying in formation to bomb the cruiser. MS Cruiser with bombs falling around it, a helicopter flies overhead (probably within radioactive area). MS Submarine steaming towards stricken cruiser. MS Bomb or torpedo exploding underwater near damaged cruiser. MS Naval observers viewing the bombardment. MS Smoke round ship and another underwater explosion. LS Ship keeling over. MS Observers on board ship salute the sinking ship. MS The final moments of the “Salt Lake City“ sinking. Note: “Date received“ on original paperwork reads: 1/6/48. FILM ID:
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