Обыкновенная пустельга-самец и самка/How to Identify Male and Female Common Kestrels
How to tell the difference between male and female Common Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). This bird identification video highlights the main differences in plumage. The female Kestrel’s upperparts are brown with black barring. The male’s upperparts are also brown but with black spots rather than bars. The female’s head is brown while the male’s head is blue-grey. The male’s tail is also blue-grey while the female’s tail is brown with black bars. Both sexes have a black bar at the tip of the tail, and yellow legs, eye-ring and cere.
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1 year ago 00:01:57 1
Обыкновенная пустельга-самец и самка/How to Identify Male and Female Common Kestrels