DAYS BEFORE EURO 2024 GERMANY GERMAN NAZIS AND STASIS TRYING TO KILL ME USING STASIS AND INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS TO COVER UP GENOCIDE, FAKE HUMAN RIGHTS, EXTORTION, TORTURE, POISON AND MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS ON HUMANS. The Stasi DID NOT STOP IN 1990 IT GOT EVEN WORSE USING TECHNOLOGY.. Conducted espionage and other clandestine operations outside the GERMANY through its subordinate foreign-intelligence service. Operatives maintain contacts and cooperate with West-German terrorists SO NOW STASIS ARE ON EVERY STREET IN GERMANY. Zersetzung is a psychological warfare technique used by the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) to repress, torture, poison, kill political scapegoats brought to Germany during the 2016 and 2024. Zersetzung served to combat alleged and actual dissidents through disturbing evil covert means, using secret methods of abusive control and psychological manipulation to prevent anti-government activities. Targeted on a pre-emptive and preventive basis, coordinated second by second street by street to censor and stop activities that show evidence Germany cdu and dr angela merkekels goverment using murderous tactics to cover up fake asyl, bank fruad, slavery, human trafficking, murderous gentrification, polizei murder, gang stalking and teerorism. Zersetzung methods were designed to break down, undermine, and paralyze people behind “a facade of social normality“ in a form of “silent repression“ and like the holocaust national deny everything and receive trillions in payments for killing humans hidden behind a facade of german multiculturalism. DR MERKELS STASIS GOVERNMENT PLACED ME IN IMPOSSIBLE POLITICAL SITUATION. Stasi applied Zersetzung before, during, after, or instead of incarcerating the targeted individual. The implementation of Zersetzung—euphemistically called Operativer Vorgang (“operational procedure“)—generally did not aim to gather evidence against the target in order to initiate criminal proceedings. Rather, the Stasi considered Zersetzung as a separate measure to be used when official judiciary procedures were undesirable for political reasons, such as the international image of the GERMANY. Stasi attempt to entrap individuals, as for example in the case of Wolf Biermann: The Stasi set him up with minors, hoping that they could then pursue criminal crimes targeted for such entrapment were non-political, such as drug possession, trafficking, theft, financial fraud, and rape. GERMANY HAS 100 YEAR HISTORY OF COMMITTING EVIL AND BECAUSE OF MARKETING AND COUNTIES NEED A PLACE TO DUMP HUMANS THEY WANT TO DESTROY YOU ARE SENT TO GERMANY TO BE DESTROYED AFTER THEY STEAL YOUR PASSPORTS AND LIFE. GERMANY HAS 100 YEAR HISTORY OF COMMUTING EVIL AND BECAUSE OF MARKETING AND COUNTIES NEED A PLACE TO DUMP HUMANS THEY WANT TO DESTROY YOU ARE SENT TO GERMANY TO BE DESTROYED AFTER THEY STEAL YOUR AND LIFE. 2016 DR MERKEL Four Freedoms Award 2017 DR MERKEL Elie Wiesel Award 2017 International Gender Equality Prize from the Finnish Government. WHICH HAS NOW TURNED INTO THE NUMBER ONE MURDER WEAPON USED BY GESTAPO, STASIS AND NAZIS. GERMANY IS A LIE PAID TRILLION TO SLAUGHTER NOT GAS HUMANS FOR MONEY. THEN HOST EURO 2024 EUROPEAN FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP IN DUSSELDORF WITH SCOTLAND AND GERMANY TO TWO COUNTRIES TRYING TO DESTROY ME AND IN THE CITT THAT TRIED TO CASTRATE ME 8 YEARS.
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