2D Animated Short HD: “Johanne“ - by Dragonbee

Inspired by Joan of Arc, 2D animated short film ’Johanne’ follows a day in a life of the eponymous heroine. Follow us on Instagram: Credits: Art Direction by Miles Aijala Character Design by Emma Van Dam Storyboard by Stelladia Animation by Olga Chernova, Khatuna Tatuashvili, Juan Pontaroli Additional Animation by Sergey Gordeev, Daria Pankeeva,Vardan Zakarya, Irina Sovolevskaya, Denis Garanin, Elena Pisarenko, Jun Fujiwara Background Art by Miles Aijala Sound Design by Louise Brown and Helen Miles Music by Ros Gilman Performed by Emilia Martensson and .’S. Macedonian Symphonic Orchestra Original Song by Rogers and Hammerstein, synchronisation license reference: IK-SYN-645 Written, Composited, Edited, Directed and Produced by Anna-Ester Volozh
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