77 BRIGADE ~ Daily Chaos

Powered by Restream Simon Bean MBE | Olly Did you know the British Army is involved in the COVID-19 info war? According to Wikipedia 77th Brigade is actively promoting the UK government’s dubious and totalitarian coronavirus policies:- “During the UK government’s daily coronavirus briefing, 22 April 2020, [General Sir] Nick Carter confirmed that 77th Brigade are working with the Home Office Rapid Response Unit “helping to quash rumours from misinformation, but also to counter disinformation”. “The Brigade uses Twitter and Facebook as well as psyop techniques to influence populations and behaviour [...] it is “involved in manipulation of the media including using fake online profiles“.“ ...How very Nick Clegg. Given that the COVID-19 stats are a crock of quack, or as political commentator David Vance suggested last night on Daily Chaos are something more sinister, given that there is zero evidence of masks being useful and that the Swedish ’Keep-Calm-Carry-On’ model has merit, ie gi
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