Evolution of Evil: The Story of Kim Jong-Il and Mao Zedong

In this episode all eyes are on these two men: Kim Jong-il and Mao Zedong He’s a man born into power. He tortures and executes hundreds of thousands of his own people with his finger held closely to the button. It’s North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il. A man with insatiable desire for power and fame. A man raised to be a dictator. A man who let his people suffer while he lives the high life with imported women, booze and the worlds finest foods. On the other side: Supreme Leader of China for almost 3 decades, his merciless policies made him one of the most ruthless tyrants of the 20th Century. A communist leader obsessed by power and violence, a sadist intoxicated by others’ pain; and a dictator convinced that politics had to be violent. He presided over the deaths of more people than Hitler and Stalin combined. The Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong.
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