Pneuma (Tool) - Bass Cover (With Tabs) by Leo Düzey

GET REQUESTS/TABS/PDFS ON PATREON: INSTAGRAM: SPOTIFY: “Pneuma“ from Tool’s “Fear Inoculum“ album (2019). Wow, this was really quite difficult. That rhythm in the intro/verses is so fucked up. Like it does not make any sense at all until you’ve played it a million times. So.. only one song left which is Invincible. I’m gonna take my sweet time with that one since I’ll have to figure out a lot of things for it. The effects during the bass solo, the rhythm, etc. Anyway, apart from the main riff, Pneuma is actually pretty easy if you don’t count memorizing all the variations in the song. I j...ust can’t believe that there’s only 1 song left now.. Some important information that nobody is going to read. Tuning: D-A-D-G Artist: Tool Bassist: Justin Chancellor Album: Fear Inocu
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