Eden Returns Home From USA After Illness (1953)

London Airport. LS. Britain’s Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and wife alighting from BOAC plane at London airport. MS. The Edens. Various shots, the Edens walking around and avoiding reporters and interviews. CU. Mrs Eden. LS. Edens walking to terminal building. MS. Edens posing in doorway. Several close shots of Anthony Eden and wife. LS. Anthony Eden before microphone. MS. Cameramen and photographers, pan to Eden. There are several takes of the arrival of Anthony Eden and wife, Eden speaking to press and leaving in a car. CU. Eden speaking - natural sound. He says: “Where’s my wife, oh, she’s not coming to help me. It’s grand to be home again after so long an absence, and my surgeon who operated on me told me yesterday that all was well, I would have to have a further period of convalescence, put on some weight, and there was nothing else to worry about. Well now, I only want to add this to you this morning. During the course of the long weeks in the United States, my wife and I have been treated wi
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