Miss Danger at BuriDeco World Lolita Collection in Tokyo

Official name of the event was [Brilliant Star Decorations presents “Beautiful Harmony“ World Lolita Collection 2020]. The event was held on 1-2 February 2020. Miss Danger tooks part at BuriDeco World Lolita Collection event in Tokyo for the third time but the first in person! It was a great honour for us to be a special guests and show our collection and also to be a guest models for a fashion show of amazing Triple Fortune! This event took place at February 2020 before the first lockdown. Miss Danger website: IG: Twitter: @missdangershop BuriDeco website: Twitter: @bd_stuff Triple Fortune links: IG: Twitter: @BK_babikaie Kaie: @triple4tune BABI: @bk00bk
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