ZX Spectrum - BASIC - Snake Game - Fast

The spectrum computer changed my life when I learned basic at the age of 9, but I never really learned much more than that, who would have thought typing page after page of hex dumps in your sinclair wouldn’t have actually taught me anything about machine code! I tried making a simple snake game but my really bad habits lead me to creating an array for each piece of the snake and redrawing it each time, once the snake got over 6 pieces long it was far too slow. So now its using an even worse technique but its fast, and thats usually what programming on the spectrum was all about! I’ve scrolled through the code at the end if you want to see how its done but you’ll have to squint your eyes to read it if you want to type it (in tribute to how we used to type stuff out the magazines, but at least this code works) You’ll notice the apple spawns in the snake, if i had longer than 30 minutes to spend on this I might have done something about that....
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