Little Red Riding Hood [Unmatched Strategy Guide 7]

READ ME This video is long! I apologize, I tried my best to keep the length as short as I could make it, but Little Red’s ability is very complicated and she has no basic cards, so I talked for a little bit longer than I normally do. This video is late! I tried to have this ready last week but it just didn’t pan out with school, life and other shenanigans getting in the way. I will try to have Beowulf’s video up before February. The reason why I chose to make a video about Little Red as opposed to the chronologically correct choices of Robin Hood or Bigfoot was that I felt that Little Red was more complex of a character and newer, which means a strategy guide would be more urgently needed compared to one for older, simpler characters. After my Beowulf video I intend on covering the old characters so don’t worry about a thing! ======= Welcome back to my Unmatched Strategy Guide series. Today’s little red topic of discussion is the little red monster Little Red Riding Hood, from the little red Unmatched: L
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