In honour of International Anti-Bullying Day, two schools came together to create a message about Acceptance and challenge others to use social media as a positive tool. Choreographed by Jheric Hizon, Directed by Anita Perel-Panar - A Star Studio Productions and Boogaloo Academy
Video Directed by Ben Stoddard
T-shirt info: call 1-800-outback or email info@
2 years ago 00:03:43 1
[Richmond School District ] Anti-Bullying Flash Mob - Without You(ENG/日本語 Subs)
4 years ago 00:06:21 1
Pink Shirt Day 2012 - Flash Mob - Victoria BC
9 years ago 00:03:25 5
Lemoore High School Anti-Bullying Flash Mob
11 years ago 00:05:46 19
Флашмоб против притеснений в школе
12 years ago 00:03:27 14
Anti-Bullying Flash Mob 2013 at Vancouver Giants Hockey Game!
12 years ago 00:05:06 15
Acceptance Vancouver Giants Hockey Flash Mob 2013 [Official]