Transform Text effect in Adobe Illustrator | Rotate Angle , Scale & Move | Graphic Design

In this 2nd episode, we will create some amazing Text effect Graphic design using Transform option in adobe Illustrator. We are gonna create 3 Designs. In the First design, we have used Transform Scale Horizontal & Vertical as well as move option. For the 2nd design Scale , Move and We gonna understand how to use Rotate angle option. Lastly we will look at how you can apply this effect to any Graphic or Shapes designs. So check out the video to watch the step by step process. ▲Episode 01 : Transform Text effect in Adobe Illustrator | Shear Transform & Appearance ▲Episode 02 : Transform Text effect in Adobe Illustrator | Rotate Angle , Scale & Move ▲Text Effect Tutorials Playlist: ▲Wave Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator | Make with Mesh & Transform: ▲Flip Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator | Blending, Reflect & Gradient:
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