Holiday With Everything - Reel 1 (1959)

Reel 1 Prologue: title reading ’“Cruising - the one holiday that has EVERYTHING“ says Sir Alan (A.P.) Herbert.’ superimposed over shot of AP. He turns to camera and says that although he loves his home in Hammersmith, he wishes he was still cruising on the Arcadia, going on to describe his holiday and extoll the virtues of cruise trips. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company P & O presents... Holiday With Everything. A family of four at home discuss where to go on holiday; girl suggests a cruise and they toss a coin to decide between the SS Arcadia and their usual ’Seaview’ hotel - Arcadia wins! M/Ss of the Mother and Father on board the ship and unpacking in their spacious cabin; man takes out a loud, patterned shirt still in a wrapper, then rings for steward to press his crumpled jacket. Various exterior shots of the ship as it speeds along; the family stroll on deck. L/S of Cape St. Vincent. Shots of the games deck; people playing quoits, others sit around sunbathing or str
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