Marilyn dances and sings in ’The Prince and the Showgirl’

Marilyn Monroe flew to England in 1956 to star in ’The Prince and the Showgirl’ with Laurence Olivier. She played an American chorus girl in London who is invited to a “late night supper“ by the Prince Regent of Carpathia (it’s a euphemism for a one-night stand!). As many biographies and books reveal, notably Colin Clark’s ’The Prince, the Showgirl and Me’, the film was beset by difficulties. Monroe was evidently unwell, constantly arrived late, kept forgetting her lines, and needed many ’takes’ before she got things right. In turn, Olivier began to hate the whole enterprise (he was directing as well as acting in the film) and eventually could barely stand working with her. Yet when Marilyn did get it right, she simply glowed and lit up the screen, as will be seen in these two clips where she does a little dance and sings a little song. It should be noted, contrary to some assertions, that it is indeed her own singing voice, post-synchronised at th
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