Last month, I sat on a roof at a music festival, and felt doomed by the realization of how meaningless and fake social constructs are, and how most of us are living in opposition to our true desires. Nobody except for the “crazy people“ of society are 100% unapologetically themselves. I questioned absolutely everything, found every thing and body meaningless, and drowned in nihilism thoughts. I don’t think I’ve ever thought so much in my life, as I did in that night. What began as me thinking I was meaningless, ended in me crying out of gratefulness. I understood how absolutely beautiful it is... to be alive, in pain, in love, in existence. It is so special to have the opportunity to feel, to experience, to have connections with other beings. To be so in love, that you become love. I began to feel that every misery in my life was so beautiful, because it was only my ego that labelled it as a misery. In all actuality, when you know that death (ie the end) is not really the end (because birth was
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