Pops in Seoul - 2NE1 (Come Back Home)

Star VS Star This is the title track of 2NE1’s album, “Crush.“ It’s a crossover dance song incorporating various music genres such as R&B, reggae and hip hop. It has a trendy sound created by combining an old school melody with modern elements, and the trap music in the latter half of the song sounds fresh. ’CRUSH’타이틀곡 R&B, 레게, 힙합의 여러 장르를 접목해 탄생시킨 크로스 오버 장르의 댄스곡으로, 요즘 대세인 복고풍 멜로디에 현대적 사운드 소스를 입힌 세련된 곡이며 후반부에는 EDM계의 핫한 장르인 트랩으&#
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