Bf 109 K-4 „JG5 Eismeer“ Campaign ✈ Convoy Attack #03

INSTRUCTIONS A convoy is approaching the Soviet port of Zaporozhoskaya carrying supplies and equipment provided by UK and USA through the “Lend-Lease“ agreement. All those tanks and planes must be sunk before they reach the front line. Your Scharme will provide escort for a staffel of Ju88 armed with torpedoes. - Start , T/O 09:05 RWY 22 - flight to WP1 at mt, orbit until the Ju88s will reach you - Escort Ju88s to the attack area WP3. - Stay away from Anapa airport by at least 20km to avoid detection and enemy fighters scramble. - RTB by same route, You will leave Ju88s at WP4. A campaign by Baco30. Welcome to the Arctic Ocean! This campaign is inspired by the operations of Jagdgeschwader 5 “Eismeer“ which fought above the Arctic Circle for most of the WWII, narrated by German ace Walter Schuck in his book “Luftwaffe Eagle“. As opposed to the rest of the Eastern Front, at those high latitudes the front line remaind almost stationa
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