Zodiac Killer: Interviews With The Experts Bonus Episode #2 | Ned DeHan | BBOR YouTube Channel

We know that you’ve all been waiting for this one, and as promised, here it Killer: Interviews With The Experts Bonus Episode Number 2 – Ned DeHan. In this very special episode our very own Ned DeHan, the voice of our Zodiac Killer Obsession Into Darkness documentary series, the Don Cheney suspect video, and the interviewer on the Interviews With The Experts series is finally the interviewee on this particular episode. And who is the interviewer? Well, it is none other than the one and only Mr Richard Grinell of In this 2 hour plus interview, Ned tells us how he became interested in true crime as a young man, and in particular how he became interested in the Zodiac Killer case. From there we learn a lot about Ned and his approach to learning about all different kinds of true crime cases, and especially the Zodiac case, he explains his thoughts and views on the case and gives some insights on the Interviews With The Experts series. This is one episode that you do
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