Man and the Picture of the World in the Logics of the Triunity of Being | Viktor Efimov

“The purpose of the proposed material is to present an understanding of the picture of the world and the landmarks of a person’s destiny, within the framework of which it should not be excruciatingly painful for the objectivelessly spent years, there will be no anxious expectation of leaving the world as an inevitable frightening tragedy. This allows you to look confidently into the future, to realize the naturalness of the path to immortality, not at the level of biomedical technologies, but through the awareness of the Creator and the immortality of your own “I”, your soul“. “Everything ingenious is simple and should be acceptable at the level of ordinary logic and common sense. Since the Big Bang scenario contains more questions than answers, it seems to me to be false. If nothing happened, where did the point come from? If there was no space, then where was this point located? And what happened a year or an hour before the explosion was heard? And by what forces and technologies was
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