Halloween Origin Exposed by Doc Marquis

Ex-freemason and ex-witch, Joseph “Doc” Marquis was raised in an occult group called the Illuminati but severed ties when he became a Christian in 1979. He then devoted his life to traveling across the country and using public forums to expose and educate the public on the occult. ____________________________________ To learn more visit Western Colorado Church of Deliverance | On October 1, 2018, Moms of Miracles was founded as a Prayer Ministry by Jacey Hopper and Rachel Mijares, in Dallas, TX. That same month, God brought them a pastor, Monty Mulkey, of Western Colorado Church of Deliverance, to teach and cover them. Their mandate from God was to expose the works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11) and teach people, specifically parents, how to pray for their children and future generations. They knew something had been missing in their spiritual walk and they knew the modern-day churches they attended were watered down
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