4k - Never seen before: Full Skyshow video of the SpaceX IFT-2 launch

From the vault of unreleased video: SpaceX Starship IFT-2 in 4K. Some facts for this one: 1. The shaking starting at 1 minute 20 seconds is not from too much caffeine! It’s from the beloved 233 foot tall, 30 foot wide, 33-Raptor-engined, 16,700,000 pounds-of-thrust-producing Starship Super Heavy booster. Our laptops were literally jumping up and down 1 inch off the table[1] while we tried to follow Starship at that moment. 2. Starship gulps down 40,000 pounds of fuel per second during launch. 3. Starship is the largest object ever to fly; much bigger than any jet; never mind anything that’s made it to orbit. 3. Skyshow was there for IFT-3 and will be there for IFT-4, 5, and more. More great video to come today! Made with love, blood, sweat, tears, gears, and lots of cables 100% by the team. Music by XZALT. will also capture the April 8 2024 eclipse live with 8K 120FPS cinema cameras, large telescopes, and bonded
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