MARCO PEREIRA - LENDAS AMAZÔNICAS (Iara, o Canto da Sedução 4º movimento)

“LENDAS AMAZÔNICAS, for two guitars and orchestra“ by Marco Pereira 4th mouvement ’IARA, o canto da sedução’ This amazonian legend says that a woman of indescribable beauty usually bathes naked on the Amazon rainforest rivers. She has such a seductive singing that she leaves fishermen bewitched to the point where they lose control of their boats by driving them against the rocks. Navigating these igarapés can, for many, even mean death. The anciente local wisdom says that a fisherman who hears an irresistible woman’s singing on his boat must pray a lot and try to leave the area immediately. However, the singing of Iara is so seductive that few are able to follow these guidelines. Most are completely fascinated and bewitched by this corner and come to live stubbornly by the idea of ​​finding her. Many leave their boats adrift and follow through the forest in the hope of reaching the woman. This search is always in vain and what they brin
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