Train Graveyard (1961)

M/Ss and C/Us of a rusty old steam engine Class N7/5 number 69647 moving slowly along a track and being guided into a shed. Commentator tells us “Here at Stratford works in East London, old locomotives are being cut up for scrap metal at the rate of 2 or 3 every week!“ M/S inside the shed as the engine comes to a halt; panning left to show two men cutting up and dismantling Class N 7/3 number 69677 engine. C/Us as one of the men in goggles uses an acetylene cutter to cut through some pipes at the end of the train. M/Ss of other men cutting various parts of the engines with burners; C/U of the pressure gauges on the engine; commentator says that, ironically, this ’train graveyard’ is the place where some of these engines were actually built between 1921-28. They were replaced in North East London by an electric service, and over 50 engines are being converted into scrap. M/Ss of the boiler of an engine being lifted off the main body with a crane; a man climbing up a ladder to the boiler of another engine
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