SPN // Best job ever

READ FIRST! WATCH in HD! ☆Subscribe if you liked this video☆ Don’t forget to make a comment! Why do I love SPN so much? Hm... Let me think about it... BECOUSE: ✓SPN teached that a ring of salt will protect me! ✓SPN teached that ghosts affraid of salt, iron Winchester’s bros.! ✓Dean and Sam are not old married couple, they are conjoined twins! ✓Dean is adorable! ✓Sam is a hotter psychic! ✓Cas is the most cute holy tax accountant ever! ✓AC!DC Rules! ✓Puppy eyes by Sammy is love! ✓Dean’s smile is LOVE! ✓PUDDING BOOP is love! ✓Dean isn’t a Superman, HE’S A BATMAN! ✓Sammy is dancing like a DiscoDanceKing! ✓Scary just got sexy! ✓SPN is make me laught and cry! ✓And ofcourse I love SPN becouse these guys are got the best job ever! 1
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