The Empire Orb: Samuel Hofman Interview

Recent videos of the Empire Orb are really quite amazing. It’s kind of like an actual Death Star. Radio Wasteland hosts ask Nibiru expert Samuel Hofman what is the Empire Orb? and should we be worried? Samuel Hofman: Well, this goes back through some history here. It goes back all the way to 2009, when we first started up Montana Sky Watchers. And back then there was hardly any of this, other than the UFO sites and all of that. And then most of that stuff didn’t exist. And then, I was always searching the feed for new and cool stuff, and then we stumbled on to the Norway spiral the day it happened. And then we sat there, and there was only 20 or 30 members at that time. And we sat there and all, we had a watch party and we all sat there and watched this video over and over again of the spiral, which you can’t really ... There are a few copies out there somewhere. But if you go back and you watch the Norway spiral, you see this object that actually ends up through some of the central cra
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