Восстановление МАТЕРИИ человека числовыми концентрациями

APRIL 19-22, 2021 7 PM - 9 PM CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME IN RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH 4-DAY WEBINAR “Building a healthy, young, active, eternal physical body with the help of Grigori Grabovoi’s control methods of concentrating on numbers.“ The webinar is based on the books of Grigori Grabovoi “Restoration of human matter by concentrating on numbers“ and “Digital atlas of creation of man and eternal life.“ The lecturer: Marina Morozkina The interpreter: Dmitry Tikhomirov After the webinar, you can receive an individual selection of numeric sequences in writing from Marina Morozkina for effective work on your task. To do this, after completing the webinar, you need to send an email to @ with a description of the issue or task. С 19 ПО 22 АПРЕЛЯ 2021 ГОДА 20:00-22:00 МСК НА РУССКОМ И АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЧЕТЫРЕХДНЕВНЫЙ ВЕБИНАР “Построение здорового,
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