The “Attack on Titan“ sword, also known as the Vertical Maneuvering Equipment (VME), is a fictional weapon used in the popular anime and manga series “Attack on Titan“. The VME is a portable device that consists of two blades attached to a grappling hook mechanism, which allows users to maneuver through the air and attack Titans, the giant humanoid creatures that threaten humanity in the series. The swords are made of a special metal alloy that is able to penetrate the tough outer skin of the Titans, making them an essential weapon in the fight against them.
In the world of “Attack on Titan“, the VME is used by soldiers in the Scout Regiment, who are responsible for protecting the walls that surround the last remaining human settlements and exploring the world beyond. The VME is designed to provide the soldiers with greater mobility and agility in battle, allowing them to swiftly dodge the Titans’ attacks and strike from above.
Overall, the “Attack on Titan
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Обзор на Атаку Титанов(Attack on Titan & Attack on Titan 2 Final Battle)