How can I achieve my Inner Calm? with CMDR Maureen Alexander (Alex Wright)

COMMANDER MAUREEN ALEXANDER WRIGHT Commander Maureen Alexander Wright is a decorated, veteran naval officer whose distinguished service career covered a 24-year span. During her tenure, CDR Alex was responsible for budget submissions of billions of dollars to Congress. She was personally responsible for managing a budget of $17 million for fleet and family support programs. Her efforts garnered her many Department of Defense and navy command-wide awards for outstanding operations. CDR Alex’s direct involvement with developing inspection processes for drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs has achieved worldwide acclaim and she is highly sought after for her expertise. Her anger management, coping skills, and restorative justice curriculum have also been utilized in non-military settings. Effective communication skills in both Spanish and English allowed her to develop programming for over 50,000 naval personnel and their families, as well as effectively training and supervising a di
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